One of the challenging aspects of software engineering process is documentation and for international projects is localization or simply l10n. There are a lot of resources about each and every topic that you can imagine for software development best practices. In PHP community, the presence of PHP: The Right Way and it’s well known contributors with tons of languages available surprised me and minutes after reading the document i had the same question: why there is no translation for my language? So, i started the translation process and after a while (about a season) full Persian translation is available through PHP: The Right Way, Persian Translation. Topics included in this version are:
- Code Style Guide
- Language Highlights
- Dependency Management
- Coding Practices
- Dependency Injection
- Databases
- Templating
- Errors and Exceptions
- Security
- Testing
- Servers and Deployment
- Caching
Although the base document is changing daily and one person can’t simply be updated with source, there are a lot of ways so solve this problem and many of them are present right now because of GitHub and it’s collaboration process. So, if you are a Persian developer and want to improve this document, just do it! Even you don’t have to contact me for this (though i would be happy to meet new people).
Have fun and remember: in order to be a Free Software or Open Source contributor you SHOULD act and be a true activism because thinking about your way is not enough. Damn man, i should work with RMS ????
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