With introduction of Drupal 8 in 2015 and it’s major changes, things started to become more difficult for new and even experienced developers to upgrade their Drupal 6/7 sites or start from scratch in Drupal 8. At the time, Drush was the go to tool for managing Drupal projects in different versions but a new tool was required specifically for latest version of Drupal, named Drupal Console.
From managing your site’s configuration to developing new modules and themes in the command line, Drupal Console is the number one tool in order to design, implement and maintenance of small, medium and large projects. Like any other Open Source project, Drupal Console is standing on the shoulders of Symfony Console, so why not give it a try? Topics described in Drupal Console Book are:
- What is Drupal Console
- Getting the Project
- Usage
- Available Commands
- Site Aliases
- Chain Commands
- Custom Commands
- Contributing New Features
- FAQs
- References
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