Maintaining system security is both important and time-consuming. A great deal of security emphasis is on network security, and for this, configuring your super server and disabling unused servers will go a long way. Attending to passwords and performing miscellaneous tasks to keep your local accounts from becoming security risks are also important security tasks.
Encryption is a hot topic in security. SSH is a protocol and tool that can handle many network encryption tasks by encrypting two-way connections between computers. Typically used as a remote login protocol, SSH can also be used to transfer files or encrypt other protocols. When you want to encrypt data sent to another individual via a tool such as email, you can do so with the help of GPG. This package enables you to encrypt individual files, which can then be attached to or embedded in email messages and decrypted by the recipient.
What is the purpose of a super server?
Super servers, such as inetd and xinetd, manage incoming network connections for multiple servers. They can add security and convenience features, and they can help minimize the memory load imposed by seldom-accessed servers.
What is the function of super server port access controls?
Super servers or programs called by them (such as TCP Wrappers) can restrict access to ports for the servers they manage. These restrictions occur at a higher level than a firewall’s restrictions, and they apply only to the servers managed by the super server.
Which tools you can use to identify the servers running on a computer?
The netstat and lsof programs both provide options to list all (or a subset of) the open network connections, as well as programs that are listening for connections. Remote network scanners, such as Nmap, can probe another computer for open network ports. Perusal of local configuration files can also provide clues to what’s running on a computer.
Why SUID and SGID programs are potentially risky?
The set user ID (SUID) and set group ID (SGID) bits tell Linux to run the program as the user or group that owns the file. This is particularly risky when root owns the program file because it essentially elevates all users to root for the purposes of running the file, making bugs in the program more dangerous and raising the possibility of a clever user abusing the program to acquire full root privileges or otherwise wreaking havoc.
Why are shadow passwords important?
Shadow passwords store password hashes in a file that can’t be read by ordinary users, thus making it harder for miscreants on the local system to read the hashed passwords and use brute-force attacks to discover other users’ passwords. Modern Linux distributions use shadow passwords by default.
How to generate a good password?
Ideally, passwords should be random. Failing that, one good approach is to generate a base that’s hard to guess and then modify it by adding digits and punctuation, changing the case of some characters, changing letter order, and significantly increasing the length of the password (even with repeated characters).
Why SSH is the preferred remote text-mode login tool?
The Secure Shell (SSH) protocol provides encryption for all traffic, including both the password exchange and all subsequent data exchanges, whereas older tools, such as Telnet, do not. This makes SSH much safer (if not 100 percent safe) for the exchange of sensitive data, particularly over untrusted networks such as the Internet.
What are the most important SSH configuration files?
The SSH server is controlled through the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file. The SSH client configuration file is /etc/ssh/ssh_config; don’t confuse the two.
What is the function of GPG?
GPG enables public-key encryption of individual files or email messages. You can use GPG to encrypt sensitive data for transmission over email or other insecure means.